Ljeto u Zagrebu sve je toplije, gradske ulice usijanije, zrak među neboderima sve teži. A Gallery vikendom nudi savršen bijeg od svega toga - ples na otvorenom uz svježi zrak nad Jarunskim jezerom. Kada na to dodamo savršen ambijent kluba, najbolji izbor ljetnih osvježavajućih koktela, sjajnu uslugu naših uvijek dobro raspoloženih konobara i šankera, dražesno društvo naših dragih hostesa i odličan izbor R'n'B hitova našeg DJ Indy-a, zar postoji bolje rješenje za sjajan provod u gradu?
Bez previše razmišljanja, pridružite se ovog petka najboljoj ekipi u gradu!
The summer in Zagreb is getting warmer, the streets of the city are getting hotter, the air among the skyscrapers is getting harder. Gallery Weekend offers a perfect escape from all of that - outdoor dance with fresh air over the Jarun lake. When we add the perfect atmosphere of the club, the best selection of summer refreshing cocktails, the great service of our always cheered up waiters and bartenders, the lovely company of our beloved hosts and an excellent selection of R'n'B hits from our DJ Indy, is there a better solution for a great night out in town?
Without too much thinking, join us this Friday for the best party in town!
Izvor: Press